
Income Tax


Friday, 10 November 2017

Latest GST/IGST Rate, Cut on Over 240 items

On 10 Nov,2017 GST Council conduct there 23rd meeting at Guwahati on Friday. In this meeting council slashed GST rate around 244 items, those goods which are covered under GST rate 28% out of this 80% items are shifted under 18% GST rate, on an around 177 items are now covered in 18% form 28% , Only 50 items are covered under the 28% GST rate, only which are luxurious items. A Big relief given by the government or its may be the impact of upcoming election. But overall its good decision taken by the GST council after implementing GST from July onward & So many Goods which are earlier at higher rate now Shifted to lower rate. Its a good move by Government over the GST rate & appreciable for Government that they learn time to time to accept challenges ot make easier for that they make changes in GST rate & in further process for future references, This new GST rate applicable from 15 Nov,2017. 

Click here to Download Official Latest GST Rate by Government